INDTOURSLet's discover India once again with us

Village Tour One

Duration : 4 days

Tour Description


The tour starts and ends with a 50min boat trip from the Gateway of India to Mandva, on the mainland. On arriving by Mandva, we head by car to Indapur, and on the way you experience the stunning Maharashtrian countryside. During the monsoon, the boat does not operate so we have to go by car to the villages, which takes between 3.5 and 4 hours.
On the way, you will also observe lots of activity from the car. For example, you will see construction workers including the huts which they live in, communities making bricks, and goats being herded together. The guide will also give you some insight to the lives of these people including how much they are being paid. We may stop at some places, such as the communities who live and work just off the roads making bricks.
Pansai Sidharth Nagar (Buddhist village)
You will then head to the nearby village of Cheravali, where you will be staying overnight. You will get settled into your accommodation, meet your host family and wander around with the tour guide, meeting some of the characters in the beautiful village. You will also visit the nearby temple, where the guide will explain about Hinduism and its importance and ceremonies within village life.
In the late afternoon, you head to see one of the tribal indigenous communities (Adivasis). There you will see and understand their way of life and their beliefs. Here we have a strict NO CAMERAS POLICY. Very close by is a place to sit, chat and watch the beautiful sunset.
You then head back to the Cheravali to observe village life and interact with its residents, play games, watch TV, chat to your hosts, watch the preparation of the food and eat dinner together.
Next morning will be an early start, and you can milk the cows, plough the field, harvest the rice, wash clothes, and learn to carry water on your head. You can play in or watch the lads in the village play cricket, and/or wander around the area surrounding the village, tasting the local fruits such as tamarind. School for the children doesn't start until 11am and so is a good time to interact with them.
Raigad Fort / Train to Goa
You will be sleeping in a small house 30 metres away from your host family: there is a double bed and there are mattresses for you to sleep on the floor. We have recently built a shower and toilet in a new block just outside the host family's house. But you still have the option of taking a bucket shower by the well (with Vishal gathering water and making sure that you clean yourself properly!), and you can go to the toilet out in the open like many other villagers if you wish!



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